Who is GigaChad Ernest Khalimov? Is GigaChad Real

Publish date: 2024-05-20
GigaChad Ernest Khalimov

The face of Gigachad Ernest Khalimov is definitely a sight to behold and one that you just cannot ignore. Whatever website you visit, you’re likely to stumble across this strong tower of a guy, his wonderful grin, and his impossibly sculpted jawline.

GigaChad has come to represent the pinnacle of ultramasculinity. He’s a testosterone-fueled alpha man who overcomes difficulties and doesn’t care what others say.

Ernest Khalimov as Gigachad

Nothing is known about the man other than his name, Ernest Khalimov, and the fact that he is a bodybuilder residing in Russia who poses for the photo art project SLEEK’N’TEARS.

Given Gigachad’s almost superhuman physique, his nonexistent online presence, and, until lately, his utter unwillingness to remark on his Internet renown, many have wondered how we can be sure that the person known as Ernest Kalamov is, in fact, a genuine person.

GigaChad Ernest Khalimov photo editing

Is GigaChad real?

To solve this mystery, we must first come to know Krista Sudmalis, the founder of the SLEEK’N’TEARS Art project. The Russian photographer began the project with a buddy in July 2011, under the moniker Robert Fremer. For a few years, the project concentrated on dark art, horror, and macabre, creating works using digitally manipulated images of Sudmalis and other models.

By 2014, SLEEK’N’TEARS had transitioned from the macabre to the art of the nude male body, with the project now focusing on the masculine principle.

Sudmalis referred to her five major models in a 2016 interview, referring to them as her five muses who constituted the foundation of the SLEEK’N’TEARS project. Sudmalis mentions one of them in the interview, “Artur Farad,” a stomatologist living in Moscow who was also her partner.

Sudmalis alludes to Farad and three other bodybuilders, Zloy Kaa, Adamov, and Vugar. Many of her 2015 works have appeared, with numerous new faces beginning to emerge. Her sixth muse emerged in 2016 as the same man you previously knew, the one with Ernest Khalimov (@Berlin.1969) tattooed across the bottom of his stomach. It appears to be Gigachad.

Krista Sudmalis with Ernest Khalimov

The discussion about whether Gigachad is genuine began almost immediately after the initial photographs circulated on fitness forums and 4Chan. In October 2017, commenters on 4Chan’s Fit board and communities such as Lookism discovered preliminary proof that the pictures of the cartoonish alpha guy were digitally edited images of another man.

Krista was accused of Photoshopping her lover, Artur Farad, and a GigaChad for her project by others. One photograph, in particular, drew notice, as it looks like Sudmalis had photoshopped GigaChad next to her own childhood shot, as her father and his father-daughter interaction did not escape the eye of internet theorists.

Following that, we’ll show you two photos of GigaChad. However, after a quick web search, we realized that they were really digitally manipulated images of different models.

First and foremost, we have the internet’s oldest known photograph of Gigachad. Not only does Gigachad not look like he does in most other photos, but his watch is also poorly illuminated and far too tight on his wrist.

Gigachad Ernest Khalimov with photoshop

Gigachad’s trademark Berlin.1969, aka Ernest Khalimov tattoo, is also visible on his stomach. The original shot was taken by photographer Lucio Luna and released in 2013, one year before Sudmalis shared her altered version.

The second photo was uploaded on GigaChad’s now-defunct VK profile. This time, she expanded on a snapshot of Bruno Tamaz taken by photographer Wong SIM in 2014, including the image that was already pointed out by the appearance of a Forums user. That brings the total to three pieces of proof that the individual known as Ernest Khalimov does not exist.

Even without this photographic evidence, there are plenty of reasons to believe that Kalamov is essentially a myth created and maintained by Sudmalis. For one thing, Gigachad has no internet presence other than his modeling photos on an Instagram account called @Berlin.1969, which likewise has identical images.

Gigachad Ernest Khalimov with Krista Sudmalis photoshop

Kalamaz’s Internet contact after 2015 has been restricted to infrequent comments on SLEEK’N’TEARS postings and three Instagram posts on his account in reaction to his memes in April and May 2021.

Furthermore, there isn’t a single high-quality video of Gigachad anywhere, although videos of many other SLEEK’N’TEARS models can be seen on the project’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

The sole video of GigaChad is a looping video that lasts approximately half a second, has a few frames, and is conveniently lighted in the worst way conceivable.

GigaChad Ernest Khalimov with his Daughter

Some web researchers believe Sudmalis’ Berlin.1969 piece is a homage to her own father. Ernest Khalimov is a blatant allusion to the man’s birth year, as corroborated by Sudmalis’ and Instagram comments in several posts and answers.

Sudmalis refers to the man as her father and characterizes him as a father figure, even answering a direct inquiry once. Is this your biological father? “I’m going to leave this as a baby.”

While GigaChad is a digital invention, he still steals actual models’ bodies, and SLEEK’N’TEARS model Artur Farad, who was Sudmalis’s boyfriend at one time, has most certainly been photoshopped into GigaChad at least once.

Sudmalis may have also utilized other models to create her muse. However, this begs the question of

Krista Sudmalis with GigaChad Ernest Khalimov

Who is Being Called GigaChad?

GigaChad, aka Ernest Khalimov, replied to his Internet popularity with three Instagram postings in April and May of 2021.

While most of the posts are written in English, the final one contains a complete line written in Lithuanian that approximately translates to water, and time will not wash away this steel.

Sudmalis is partly Lithuanian; therefore, GigaChad, aka Ernest, looks to be an art piece produced by Sudmalis as a muse and presumably inspired by her father, based on the facts.

Ernest Khalimov as Gigachad video with Krista Sudmalis

Ernest Khalimov looks to be nothing more than a collection of digitally edited images of Russian bodybuilder Arthur Farad and a few other models. What Gigachad represents is what makes him real to us. If the concept of a guy who is entirely at peace with himself and the world around him. And it is this concept that distinguishes GigaChad from other Chadians.
