The most bizarre causes of death in London history including being 'killed by a planet'

Publish date: 2024-04-20

London’s population was once so tiny, the causes of death for an entire year could fit onto one page.

And what a fascinating page it is.

Some of the 1632 causes of death are baffling - what does it mean to die of “King’s evil” or “Planet” or - my personal favourite, “Cancer, and Wolf”?

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Luckily, I had historian of medicine and science Anna Maerker on hand to decipher it all.

Some of them are pretty straightforward, and not what we would call today a cause of death.

“Suddenly”, for example, is not the answer you want from a doctor when you ask, “How did he die?”

“Kil’d by several accidents” is also a bit vague, but was the official cause of death for 46 Londoners in 1632.

On the other end of the scale, some are incredibly specific - “Burnt in his Bed by a Candle at St. Giles Cripplegate” is fairly clear.

And so is: "Burnt by a fall into the fire at St. Giles in the Fields".

But what does it mean to die of “Cut of the Stone”?

“Cutting the stone would be an operation to remove bladder stones,” says Anna. “Unpleasant and risky business in a time before anaesthesia and antisepsis.”


Those who survived were understandably grateful.

Anna tells me, “Samuel Pepys kept his stone as a memento. Marin Marais composed a piece of music about it.”

Some are simply old terms for diseases we still have - “Falling sickness” refers to epilepsy and seizures, “tissick” refers to pulmonary tuberculosis, and “King’s Evil” refers to scrofula, another form of TB.

But others aren’t even considered diseases at all anymore.

“Disease categories from the seventeenth century don't always map onto modern categories very neatly,” says Anna.

“Labels like ‘apoplexy’ or ‘fever’ would now be considered symptoms rather than diseases."

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“Jawfaln” means “jaw fallen” and refers to lockjaw, which we now know is a symptom of tetanus.

Seven causes of death were caused by the patient being “Over-laid”, which means an infant died after being unintentionally smothered.

This cause of death was combined with “starved at nurse”, which simply meant the child failed to grow, thrive and survive despite being fed enough.

But having “Planet” as a cause of death seems weirdly modern - aren’t we the ones whose planet is heading towards destruction?!

“As far as I can tell it's about astrological constellations,” says Anna.

“The influence (literally: flowing-in) of the stars and planets was considered a potential cause of disease.”

This tracks with the belief that the moon - ‘luna’ in Latin - caused insanity, hence the term ‘lunatic’.

“‘Rising of the Lights’ is more unclear,” says Anna, “but it’s probably something to do with the lungs.”

The colloquial term for lungs was “lights” because of how little they weigh.

But what about “Cancer, and Wolf”?

My first thought was that someone with cancer was subsequently the victim of a wolf attack, but for that to happen to 10 people in a year raises questions - such as “Can someone maybe deal with this wolf?”

According to Anna, “wolf” would refer to “particularly nasty forms of cancer” - one that eats into the flesh.

Maybe 2021 isn’t so bad after all.

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