Khloe Kardashian Dragged By Fans For Promoting Weight-Loss Shakes Again

Publish date: 2024-04-25

Fans are dragging Khloe Kardashian for promoting meal replacement shakes once again.

The reality TV star is back to hocking the products on her Instagram. Months after fans, and The Good Place star Jameela Jamil called her out for advertising harmful weight loss supplants. Koko is back to filling her feed with them.

Kardashian has already come under fire for promoting an unrealistic body image to women and young girls. Now fans are furious she has decided to put making a quick buck over the best interest of her fans.

On Thursday, the Good American founder posted a picture of her with Flat Tummy Company shakes. Not only does she sewer by them, but Kardashian also offered her followers a 20% discount.

The post did not go over well with her followers. Comments of anger and disgust began popping up the second the picture showed up on her feed.

“Having read your book and watching your Revenge Body show – I don’t recall you promoting these overpriced products that are filled with all kinds of stuff that are harmful” commented silverthorn_27

“Khloe sweetie ain’t none of y’all drinking this poison,” said anabella_rose

“you have no integrity, whatsoever. you will legit do anything for money even if it means encouraging people to develop eating disorders. Wow. shame on you. I am disgusted,” stated the.w.i.l.d.f.l.o.w.e.r

“really sad that you feel no shame flogging these vile products to your vulnerable fans,” replied ophiemay

“I know you are probably contractually obligated to post this because you may have made the deal a while ago. But seriously, give the money back. This is a disgusting use of your platform, especially since you now have a daughter who will be susceptible to this one day. Please do better by your fans,” wrote sloiacono27

Oh yes, fans are once again furious with the Keeping Up With The Kardashian star for promoting that disgusting weight loss shakes. There were also several remarks about how Koko should be more honest with her followers. Fans are certain she did not get her body by drinking the toxic supplement.

Khloe Kardashian is back to promoting weight loss shakes for cash. Her desire to ignore fans outrage, as well as be shellfish, once again has her being dragged by social media.


What are your thoughts on Kardashian putting her desire for money over the well-being of her fans? Are you surprised or is it typical selfish behavior for Koko?
