"If I was still coaching in that league, he would be on my team"

Publish date: 2024-06-07

Carmelo Anthony remains a free agent a month after the 2022-23 season started. Anthony last played for the LA Lakers and was linked to several teams in free agency. Mike Woodson, who coached Anthony in New York, would want to have him on his team if he was still coaching in the NBA.

In a recent appearance on SiriusXM NBA Radio, Woodson was asked about his former player's future. The 64-year-old coach believes that Anthony has a lot to offer to an NBA team. He pointed to the 10-time All-Star's ability to score the ball as his main asset.

"If I was still coaching in that league, he would be on my team," Woodson said. "That's just how much respect and love I have for Carmelo Anthony and the body of work that he's put into that league. I don't think he's style is in question. Somebody might give him the shot to come back.

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Anthony was one of the few bright spots for the LA Lakers last season. Anthony averaged 13.3 points, 4.2 rebounds and 1.0 assists as the Lakers sixth man. He also shot 44.2% from the field and 37.5% from beyond the arc.

The two-time scoring champ embraced the sixth man role last season, as well as in his final year with the Portland Trail Blazers in 2021. When he entered free agency, he was linked to teams such as the Brooklyn Nets and Boston Celtics. However, it seems like no NBA team is interested in the future Hall of Famer.

ALSO READ: Carmelo Anthony’s son, Kiyan Anthony, offered scholarship by Syracuse

Carmelo Anthony linked to a move to Taiwan

Carmelo Anthony last played for the LA Lakers

Carmelo Anthony is still waiting to play in his 20th NBA season. However, Anthony's fate might come overseas in the form of the Tainan TSG GhostHawks in Taiwan.

According to the Taipei Times, GhostHawks head coach Liu Meng-chu confirmed that the team is looking to add Anthony. The GhostHawks are part of the upstart T1 League, where the Taoyuan Leopards also play.

The Leopards made headlines last week by signing Dwight Howard to a contract. Howard's arrival in Taiwan has been a success for basketball in the country. The Leopards have sold out at least 60,000 tickets in the next two months.

Anthony is 38 years old and has been in the NBA since 2003. He was the third overall pick by the Denver Nuggets. He has also played for teams such as the New York Knicks, OKC Thunder, Houston Rockets and Portland Trail Blazers.

ALSO READ: Top 5 biggest active NBA players out of the league right now featuring Carmelo Anthony, Kemba Walker, and more

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