How to get to the Mist Fields in God of War Ragnarok

Publish date: 2024-06-03

God of War Ragnarok has numerous locations that players can explore from the very beginning. Given that the entire title is spread throughout the nine realms according to Nordic Mythology, there's no shortage of locations that players get to visit in order to complete missions, collect trinkets, and defeat powerful side bosses in the game.

Set in Niflheim, the Mist Fields is one such location in the game. Apart from being an extremely chilly location, Mist Fields in God of War Ragnarok has some really useful collectibles that players can pick up. These collectibles come in handy during the later stages of the game.

God of War Ragnarok Mist Fields location

To get to the Mist Fields in God of War Ragnarok, players will have to complete "The Realms at War" favor first. Once players have done so, here's what they need to do:

To get to the Mist Fields, players will have to travel to Niflheim first. The gateway that players are looking for is the one below the Raven Tree gateway on the map.

What's so special about the Mist Fields in God of War Ragnarok?

There are two really interesting collectibles that players will find in the Mist Fields in God of War Ragnarok. They are as follows:

Players can collect the Frostfinger flower once the main storyline has been completed. This flower can be found right beside the final Mystic Gateway that opens up after the main storyline is over. Interestingly, this flower is surrounded by swords impaled in the ground. These swords also serve as markers for this flower.

Once the Frostfinger flower has been collected, players will have completed the "Nine realms in Bloom" favor in the game. The other collectible here is the Berserker's Gauntlet. It can be picked up by interacting with the Berserker's Gravestone, which is located towards the right of the flower's location.

Players will have to take the right and keep making their way towards the tall, ice-covered structure that sticks out like a sore thumb in the sky. Once players reach the base, there should be a ledge on the left that they will have to scale.

From this ledge, players will need to turn right and then follow the left path once again until they come across two stone pillars. Beyond these stone pillars is a small drop leading into an open area with the Berserker's Gravestone in the middle. Interacting with this gravestone will bring forth Skjothendi the Unerring.

Players will then have to defeat him to get their hands on the Berserker's Gauntlet, an interesting piece of equipment in the game.

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