How to check pity and pull count of characters and Light Cone Warps

Publish date: 2024-06-02

As a prominent gacha title, Honkai Star Rail offers different banners for limited-time characters and Light Cones, along with a permanent option. Besides, HoYoverse has implemented a pity system for their Warp, which should be considered while planning for the next summon. Fortunately, players have access to their banner history, which records the pull count and their respective drops.

While most veterans are familiar with the planning process, newcomers will likely struggle to check their summons. This article presents a complete guide on how to track the banner history and count pulls for every warp.

Honkai Star Rail Banner history guide

As mentioned, checking your Honkai Star Rail banner history is an important ritual to calculate your pulls ahead of the summoning session. It lets you have a firm grasp over how many wishes you need to hit the pity threshold for the upcoming characters or Light Cones.

How to check Honkai Star Rail banner history

Click on 'View Details' to check the banner history (Image via HoYoverse)

Whether it is a character or Light Cone Warp, the history-checking method is basically the same. You can easily check all the details on the respective banner itself.

Simply head to the in-game warp page and select a banner. Click on the ‘View Details’ button to open a pop-up window. Choose the ‘Records’ option, which should show all the pull history for the respective Warp.

How to count pulls in Honkai Star Rail

The banner history on display comprises multiple pages, each showing the latest five pulls and onwards. Now, to count the total number of pulls, simply scroll through all the pages and multiply five by the total count, and that's all.

Scroll through all the pages to check all the banner drops (Image via HoYoverse)

The final page might show a lower number of pulls depending on your past summons. In that case, calculate all the previous pages and add the remaining wishes to obtain the total number.

Keep in mind that the game takes a bit of time to register all fresh pulls. Hence, we recommend waiting for some time before counting the summons on the banner. Consider refreshing the application to see the latest drops.

How to count pity and plan 5-star character pulls in Honkai Star Rail

Count pity from the previous 5-star character drop (Image via HoYoverse)

For starters, it is important to understand how the pity system works on Honkai Star Rail. The game guarantees a 5-star drop at every 90th wish on the banner, which refreshes once you have secured a premium unit.

A soft pity kicks in after 70 summons, increasing your chances for the golden drop. Interestingly, the pity gets carried forward from the previous character or light cone banner to the next.

With that in mind, start counting your pity in the banner history using the specified method. However, count till the final 5-star character pull instead of scrolling to the end.

Employ the method to calculate the amount of Stellar Jades you need to hit the next pity. In case you miss the premium unit, your next golden drop is guaranteed to be the exclusive 5-star character on the banner.

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