Gianinna Maradona's letter to her father: Sorry for the situations you had to see

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Diego Maradona's daughter, Gianinna, took to Instagram to share a letter that she wrote for her father on the first anniversary of his death.

Her mother and Maradona's former wife, Claudia Villafane, replied to her daughter with an emotional post on her social media account.

"I love you more, daughter," wrote Villafane. "Only we know what we went through and continue to go through. Your father now is free and surely he is happier than we are here. Always together, always united. The three of us are one."

Giannina's letter to her father, Diego Armando Maradona

Despair, vulnerability seizes me. Feeling broken, I'm tied up, the forces that I 'HAVE' to have leave me unable to breathe. I need justice for your sudden departure. They cannot continue as if nothing happened. It's all too much. I can't take it anymore, a thousand fronts open, many enemies who shoot with missiles. The usual ones standing there to continue hurting those of us who are still here. I look at [my and Sergio Aguero's son] Benja and it hurts me twice. Living without you every day hurts more. Since you left, even the animals talk about you. I must leave you in peace, be happy, and make your King happy. I know. Sorry for the situations you had to see.

I think of you, I feel you, I dream of you, I see you and I find myself there. I keep learning, I am not an example. I do what I can and every day I do less, or more. I don't even know that.

Time ended up proving me right, but it is useless if you are no longer here. I would have preferred not to be right.

It comforts me to know that I always told you everything. Everything and more.

I embrace your anger and I embrace mine. Without understanding, only accepting that you also did what you could with what they did to you. In a world full of hypocrites, those who are real, different, those who live without asking for explanations, those who do what they feel, those who do what they say, are the crazy ones, they are the sons of bit***s.

I'm not going to give up, I never wore the 10 on my back but your last name and your legacy of going on despite everything and everyone will continue to live in me. The more they want to see me fall, the more I am going to get up. In short, falling is also flying for a moment. I love you and I will miss you until we meet again! Thank you for continuing to support us from there!

Thank you for them, and thank you for your fans who make me feel a little closer. Your legacy for the world, your legacy as a flag. I love you, my beloved Armando!
