Gavin Rossdales lover speaks out again, hes totally heartbroken

Publish date: 2024-05-19


Last year, a drag queen (?) named Marilyn came out and told the world that he and Gavin Rossdale had been lovers for five years. There was even a great photo of Gavin and Marilyn to “prove” Marilyn’s story. Gavin hadn’t really confirmed or denied anything until he sat down with Details for a interview in the November issue. Gavin basically said that yes, he had slept with Marilyn, but it had just been a “one-time experimentation” when he was 17 years old and exploring the world (of dong). Well, within 24 hours of the Details piece going online, Marilyn has spoken again! And this bitch is pissed.

More than a year after British pop star Marilyn revealed his secret love affair with Gavin Rossdale to In Touch, Gwen Stefani’s husband is finally confessing to the same-sex romance he experienced as a teen.

“I’ve never wanted to appear closed about it,” he tells Details in the magazine’s new issue, though he adamantly denied In Touch’s story about the relationship when it was published in April 2009. “I don’t think there’s anything strange about any form of… learning about life. It’s a part of growing up.”

The news about the Bush front man, who has two young sons with his world-famous wife Gwen, won’t shock In Touch readers.

“Gavin and Gwen are perfect for each other, but he was the love of my life,” Marilyn told In Touch, adding that he dated Gavin for five years in the early ’80s. When Boy George first discussed the former couple’s romance in his 1995 memoir, Take It Like A Man, Marilyn kept quiet, even when Gavin denied their love.

“He was just becoming successful in America,” Marilyn explained. “I agreed to lie against every grain of my being.”

Now that Gavin has come clean about the relationship, Marilyn isn’t feeling totally vindicated.

“I think it’s really hypocritical that Gavin can do an interview about me, yet me doing one about him is wrong!” he said today on his Facebook page.

[From In Touch Weekly]

Well, the Gavin’s interview wasn’t just about you, Marilyn. But whatever. I agree with Gavin: Move on. Is it interesting that a rock star (-ish) who is famously married to another rock star and they famously have two adorable kids together, is it weird or strange that the dude has a sexual history that involves dong? Maybe. But I said before, experimentation isn’t just for girls. There are boys who are curious too.

One more thing – NYDN had a piece on Gavin trying to get Details to pull his interview, or at least his admission about the relationship being a “one-time experimentation”. Apparently, he had to “come clean” to Gwen. Yeah… like she didn’t know.

Here’s an image that ITW sent us (the header is courtesy of ITW as well):


45048, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday September 16 2010. Gavin Rossdale meets fans outside the LAMB Fashion Show at the Lincoln Center, where Gwen Stefani was showing off her new range on the catwalk. Photograph: Darla Khazei,

45048, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday September 16 2010. Gavin Rossdale meets fans outside the LAMB Fashion Show at the Lincoln Center, where Gwen Stefani was showing off her new range on the catwalk. Photograph: Darla Khazei,
