FIFA 23 best camera settings

Publish date: 2024-05-05

FIFA 23 has several camera angles available in the game, and users can pick one that best fits their game style. It might not seem important initially, but certain camera angles have more utility than the rest. These settings directly impact gameplay and offer players an advantage.

EA Sports allows players to switch between different camera angles from within the game. The change can also be made directly during a match, and players don't have any limit on how many times they do so. Players can also tweak the default settings, allowing them to observe more of the field at a given time and witness what's happening around them.

Although the best camera settings in FIFA 23 will vary depending on personal preference, tweaking the settings can offer certain advantages. Some of these advantages come from camera angles, while others are from the customization options available to players. Let's now look at what's widely accepted by many to be the best settings to use in the game.

FIFA 23 players can change the camera angles and adjust the filters to get the best settings

There are plenty of camera angles to choose from in the game, depending on a player's preferences. Three options are quite popular among players - tele, tele broadcast, and co-op. The default EA gamecam is extremely limited in several ways and is even disruptive at times. Because of this, players are advised to make the switch as soon as possible.

The most balanced option in FIFA 23 is the tele camera setting. It's one of the oldest broadcast angles and has been used in several games in the series. It's also the one that veteran players should be the most familiar with. However, new players will also find learning and observing larger portions of the field relatively easy.

For camera settings, players will need to change the height and zoom of the camera. The aim is to have as much of the pitch observable as possible, as it gives players more information to work with when strategizing.

Setting the camera height at 20 and the camera zoom at 0 is the way to go. This will make the footballers appear smaller in the game, but it will offer players a wide view of the field. Players will be able to observe the entire field and make passes that would otherwise not be possible. It can also help them avoid mistakes like making a pass to an area where there are no receivers.

One small tweak that could be quite important is turning off the power shot zoom-in. The zoom-in doesn't work very smoothly and can be a hindrance, so turning it off is the best option.

Changing the camera settings in FIFA 23 can be done from within the game. Here are the simple steps to tweak the filters:

Step 1: Start the game.

Step 2: Go to game's 'Settings' to find the different customization options.

Step 3: Choose the 'Camera' tab from the available options.

Step 4: To change the sliders, select 'Custom' in the camera settings. Leaving it on default will prevent you from making the changes.

Of course, the best settings in FIFA 23 will always boil down to the preferences of the player. However, the tweaks mentioned above will certainly improve their in-game performances.

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