Amy Winehouse Plans To Renew Her Wedding Vows In Prison

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Amy Winehouse is planning to renew her wedding vows in what is described as a ‘low-key ceremony’ – probably because how highbrow can you make a ceremony that is going to take place in prison?

Amy’s less-than-charming husband Blake Fielder-Civil is currently in prison serving time for attempting to pervert the course of justice and grievous bodily harm (GBH). Blake is also accused of attempting to bribe James King into dropping the GBH charges.

Amy is planning to visit Blake on Friday and the couple will reaffirm their commitment to each other in a low-key service.

A source told Britain’s Daily Star newspaper: “When Blake was first arrested, they both declared their undying love for each other and promised each other it would be good to renew their vows. And the time feels right to do that now. They are missing each other terribly.

“Amy wants them to repeat the same vows they took when they married in Miami last May.”


Amy is said to be concerned about Blake’s fragile ego, and feels he needs a boost before his January 18 court hearing. I suspect that Blake would prefer some kind of chemical boost from, say, heroin, rather than a morale boost.

While Amy and Blake are clearly crazy in love, emphasis on ‘crazy’, I can’t say that renewing my wedding vows while the large man who’s been having sex with my husband in prison looks on is my idea of romantic.

Amy is currently hiding out on the island of Mistique in singer Bryan Adams’ house. He’s no longer a rocker but turned to photography, did you know? Did you care? I suspect that the Carribbean is lovely at this time of year, and also that Amy is very happy to be as far as possible away from the London police department.

Amy is said to be attempting to kick her drug habit while staying in Mystique.

Picture note by Celebitchy: Amy Winehouse is shown in the header image with her husband Blake Fielder-Civil on 9/14/07 leaving her birthday party. She is shown below outside of Thames Magistrates Court on 11/10/07.

